One of my favorite things is teaching Sunday School (our church calls it Bible and Life.)
I like the challenge of the older teens.
I thoroughly enjoy the middle school's age energy.
This year I get the pleasure of teaching 4-year-olds to 6-year-olds.
I am amazed at their willingness to just believe, their simple beautiful prayers.
The Bible talks in Matthew "about faith like a child."
"Truly, I say to you, unless you turn and become like children, you will never enter the kingdom of heaven."
Do you believe in the mystery of Christmas?
The mystery, the mystery that gave up the heavens that were not even large enough to contain Him and lets Himself be held in a hand.
The infinite God becomes and infant.
God, the Creator of everything sent His Son out of heaven and into our World to walk as we walk and live as we live, yet perfect.
This Child, Jesus, was the rescuer God had been promising His children since everything went wrong back in the garden of Eden.
We are a people plagued by hurry. Let's not speed by it or rush through his season.
Let us pause, ponder and seek the miracle of the Advent.
Wait for the coming of the God in the manger.
The Gift.
Until next time. Pam