It is the month set aside for thanks.
I am struggling, and I still get turned around.
Is my dwelling on the past or fretting over the future keeping me from the present?
Is my anxiousness masked by anger?
Do I discount this moment?
Am I truly grateful,
or have I slapped a sloppy brush of thanksgiving
over my life, leaving me thankful for very few things in my life?
C.S. Lewis said. ” If you think of this world as a place intended simply for our happiness, you find it quite intolerable:
Think of it as a place of training and correction, and it’s not so bad. It might even be good.”
How do I live in awe when life can seem so mundane?
Live simple. Isn’t this how children live?
They are awed at the moon, delighted with a ball. Life is a surprise.
A child has no expectations.
When did I trade my awe for expectations?
Expectations can kill a relationship – Especially with God.
I will give thanks to the Lord, the thanks due to his righteousness, and I will sing praise to the name of the Lord, the Most High.
So I write my thankfulness list and am surprised by how truly full my life is.
Since we are receiving a Kingdom that is unshakable,
let us be thankful and please God by worshipping him with holy fear and awe.
I continue to number and am once again surprised by joy.
Let us discover joy by being thankful.
( Parts of this are from Ann Voskamp)
Until next time. Pam