I took the time to enjoy picking chokecherries yesterday. The early morning breeze was cool after the hot days.
My bucket filled quickly; I was amazed by God's provision. As I moved from bush to bush, I noticed the larger chokecherries were towards the top of the bushes where I couldn't reach, nor did I want to do any extra work to gather them.
As I continued to pick the lower hanging fruit, I wondered if this is how I do my spiritual life.
Hurried and rushed grabbing the quick and easy spiritual food. A sermon or pod cast as I continue on with my day.
All these tools are excellent, but I am digging into the Word of God so I may hear from God. Am I only addressing the easy issues in my life.
Am I missing out.
One of the synonyms for hurry, according to the Thesaurus, is shallowness.
God's word tells us to work out our salvation with a wholesome, serious caution and trembling. (Kenneth Wuest, expanded New Testament Translation)
"Teach me, O Lord, the way of your statues; and I will keep it, to the end.
Give me understanding, that I may keep your law and observe it with my whole heart.
Lead me in the path of your commandments, for I delight in it.
Incline my heart to your testimonies, and not to selfish gain.
With my whole heart I seek you; let me not wander from your commandments."
Let us not live in shallow faith.
Until next time, Pam