Are we distracting ourselves into spiritual oblivion?
God had given the Israelites in the Old Testament a front-row seat to His glory and power. So why are the Israelites building a golden calf?
We ask what's wrong with them?
God had just led them through the Red Sea, parting the waters, wiping out the Egyptians.
God was on the move, right there for them to see, yet just a few weeks later, at Mount Sinai, they think God's forgotten them.
So, they build a golden calf. (part of this is taken from the book "Gospel Treason")
We think what's wrong with these people. But we don't see it in our own lives.
We don't remember the last good and glorious thing God did for us by the time the next trial hits.
All we seem to see is the moment.
The Israelite's thought Moses wasn't coming back, so we had better take care of ourselves.
God is glorious and He is powerful.
But He's not always on our timetable. So, we think we have to take care of ourselves.
Everything we turn to other than God is a poor substitute.
Brad Bigney in the book Gospel Treason gives a short list of questions to self-check our hearts.
What gets you probably won't bother me and vice versa.
Let us seek the things from above.
Until next time, Pam